Below is a list of Chapters of the History of Hawarden book. Click on the link below to view the book by chapter!
An Introduction
Chapter 1: How it all Began
Chapter 2: Raiders from the East
Chapter 3: A Rich Land with a Rich History
Chapter 4: Indian Trouble
Chapter 5: Calliope
Chapter 6: Prosperity, Small Pox and Rumors
Chapter 7: Ice Boxes and Ice Houses
Chapter 8: Liquid Gold from the Big Sioux River
Chapter 9: The Gloves are off!
Chapter 10: Mr. Calliope and Miss Hawarden meet in Court
Chapter 11: Memories of a Calliope Indian and Schemes of a Dreamer
Chapter 12: How Old is Old?
Chapter 13: The English are Coming… by Train!
Chapter 14: The Forgotten Culture of the Railroad
Chapter 15: City Lights
Chapter 16: Three Hotels…Many Stories
Chapter 17: Fire Fighters: Another Proud Heritage
Chapter 18: Schools- Another first for Sioux County
Chapter 19: Miracle of the Twentieth Century
Chapter 20: Heroes and Tragedy on the Sioux River
Chapter 21: The Morning it Rained Concrete
Chapter 22: Saturday Night in Hawarden
Chapter 23: Floods of the 20th Century
Chapter 24: Floods of the 20th Century 1926
Chapter 25: Floods of the 20th Century Problems and Promises
Chapter 26: The Last Big Flood?
Chapter 27: Flood Free for 50 Years
Chapter 28: Do You Remember the 50’s
Chapter 29: Eyes on the Skies: Hawarden’s Ground Observer Corps.
Chapter 30: Circus Buffoons
Chapter 31: Eagle Scout Project Turns the Past into a Landmark for Hawarden
Chapter 32: RAGBRAI: Iowa Hospitality at it’s Best
Chapter 33: From Old to New
Chapter 34: The Heart of Hawarden
Chapter 35: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter 36: Hawarden Festivals and Celebrations
Chapter 37: Theaters on Main Street
Chapter 38: Barbers and the “New Deal”
Chapter 39: Tragedy on the Ice Fields
Chapter 40: Hawarden turns 100
Chapter 41: History of Colleges in Hawarden
Chapter 42: Sioux Empire College Becomes a Reality
Chapter 43: SECO: The Final Chapter
Chapter 44: Patriotism and Heroes
Chapter 45: Scrip Money Brings Fame to Hawarden
Chapter 46: Do you remember the Footbridge?
Chapter 47: Holidays
Chapter 48: Christmas in Hawarden
Chapter 49: The Final Chapter for year 125